About Us

There are so many other ways to approach a trip like this: you could book it yourself or you could use any number of other websites, from those of airline alliances to automated booking sites: why use us?

We’re better than our competitors:

  1. We are a small company with low overheads, which means we can give you cheaper fares with less markups than a bigger company. We offer special fares, often the lowest fares in the market.
  2. We offer splendid customer service from planning until your trip is completed. We are with you through your entire journey. As a small company, you may even be booking your trip with the owner, and who would have a more invested interest in you having an amazing trip (other than maybe yourself)!?
  3. We are one of the first and few companies to offer flexible tickets: any change, any time, including re-routing. Whatever you want, we’ll do our best to make it happen!
  4. We offer Business class and First Class service.

Your trip, Your way: We’re a bit like a pick and mix and we’re not limited by rules. You choose the airlines, routes, destinations and dates. We just get these for you at the cheapest cost.

We’ll save you money: We have the access and experience to find you the best deal out there for the trip of your dreams. Save the money on the flights and spend it doing something fun while you’re travelling.

We take the stress out of it: We’re a bit like yoga or a hot bath… we take the stress out of the experience. All you need to do is dream, do a bit of research, listen to our advice and make a few decisions. We worry about all the boring details so you don’t have to.

We’ve done it before: All of our agents have done a round the world trip before. They know what it entails and have the benefit of experience to advise you on the best ways to do things. We also have over 10 years of experience booking all varieties of around the world trips for others and know the best ways to do it.

We know the best places to find information: We’re connected to the best of the best in the world of travel. Need advice on visas or vaccinations? Not sure where to begin for booking accommodations, finding the best tours or what to pack? For all travel styles, we can help!

One point of contact: You will have the same agent helping you from the first quote request on. They will get to know you through the planning and booking process and will be able to help you without your having to repeat your priorities a million times. They will be familiar with your bookings and will be looking out for you while you’re off having fun. They will contact you if flights change and continue to work while you’re on the road so you don’t have to worry. And if things go wrong, you have someone you know and trust who can be contacted to help out and who can access all of your bookings in one place instead of you having to juggle contacting different airlines if a flight is delayed or a connection is missed.

We’re there for you until the end: Out assistance doesn’t stop when you’ve paid for your tickets because we know that things happen. Airlines change flights, you might want to change routes or dates, or you might get delayed somewhere or miss a connection. Our customer service team is available to help you out whenever you need with any problems. You’re never truly alone!

Because the last guy said so: We do everything we can to get you the trip you want at the best price. It’s therefore not surprising that our customers would recommend us.

Limitations of the Others:

Airline Alliances are limited to the routes and prices of their airline schedules. This will almost always result in a more expensive ticket and compromise on your routes or destinations. They also often have rules. You generally must travel in only one direction and you often must fly in and out of the same airport, limiting your opportunities for travelling overland on sections of your trip.

Automated Booking sites are limited by the airlines who list with them and by the dates and locations you input. This, again, will almost always result in a more expensive ticket and compromise on your routes or destinations. If you want to find the best price, you will have to re-input the same information for every possible date and destination combination until you find the cheapest flight. And even then, there might be a low cost airline that will do it cheaper that’s not listed.

You could just do it yourself. The time and stress involved in finding the best deals for each leg of your journey would be immense. You would have to check each airline for each flight and for all combinations of date and route options. Once booked, juggling all the different airlines to make sure flights don’t change and that you make connections or if you run into problems along the way can be difficult. This is a very time consuming and fairly stressful option.

We look at the bigger picture, add in our own extensive experience and will get you the best routes and deals to fit the trip you want. We take the stress and hard work away from you so you can focus on the important and much more fun details.